Health coaching for leaders

As a leader, you face unique challenges and demands in your daily work. The balance between leading a company, taking care of your employees' well-being, and maintaining your own health and well-being can be difficult.

I offer specialized health coaching for leaders who want to improve their own health, meet daily demands, and serve as role models for their employees.

Why Health Coaching for Leaders?

Improve your own health and well-being
you need to feel good to do good.

As a leader, your health and well-being are crucial to your ability to make good decisions, lead effectively, and manage stress. My health coaching helps you achieve better balance, improve your health habits, and increase your energy levels.

sundhedscoaching til ledere
sundhedscoaching til ledere

Be a Role Model

Leaders who lead by example and demonstrate healthy habits can inspire their employees to take care of their own health as well. By being a good example, you can create a healthier workplace and promote a culture of health and well-being.

Sundhed på jobbet
Sundhed på jobbet

My Approach

Personalized and Tailored Coaching: I understand that every leader is unique, which is why I tailor my coaching to your specific needs and goals. Through an initial consultation, I get to know your challenges and objectives, and together we create a customized action plan.

Flexible Coaching Times: I know that leaders have busy schedules. That’s why I offer flexible coaching times, allowing you to receive health coaching at times that best fit into your calendar.

Coaching at Your Workplace: To make it easier for you, I also offer coaching at your workplace and partially online. I can come to your company to provide coaching, saving you time and making it easier to work on new health habits.

Sundhedscoaching specifikt til ledere
Sundhedscoaching specifikt til ledere
What Can You Expect from My Health Coaching?

Initial Consultation: We begin with an in-depth introductory session (90 minutes), where we clarify your needs, goals, and the health barriers we need to overcome. This consultation forms the foundation for your personalized action plan.

Health Analysis: I offer a health analysis that can include body composition, fitness level, cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure measurements, as well as dietary and lifestyle assessments. This gives us a clear understanding of your current health status and areas where improvements can be made. We start with the "low-hanging fruit."

Tailored Action Plan: Based on our initial conversation and health analysis, I create a customized action plan with specific goals and strategies to achieve them. The plan covers areas such as diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management, and can include recipes and workout guidance if needed.

Ongoing Support and Follow-up: I offer ongoing support and regular follow-up sessions to ensure you stay on track towards your goals. I adjust the plan as needed and provide you with the tools to overcome any challenges that may arise. After 3-6 months, we repeat the health analysis to review your progress.

Kropsanalyse der viser din kropssammensætning
Kropsanalyse der viser din kropssammensætning
Fordele ved sundhedscoaching for ledere

Øget energi og produktivitet: En sund leder er en mere produktiv leder. Ved at forbedre dine sundhedsvaner kan du øge dit energiniveau, forbedre din koncentration og blive mere effektiv i dit arbejde.

Bedre stresshåndtering og trivsel: Ledere står ofte over for høje niveauer af stress - det er ok. Stressen hjælper dig til at performe. Men stressen må ikke sætte sig langvarigt, så kan det få konsekvenser for dit fysiske helbred og din trivsel. Vi arbejder med strategier til at balancere og neutralisere arbejdsrelateret stress og hverdagsstress - på godt dansk "at afstresse".

Mental skarphed: Sundhed og trivsel er afgørende for at du er mentalt skarp og fokuseret og er effektiv i din beslutningstagning. Min coaching hjælper dig med at opnå optimal mental sundhed, så du kan træffe bedre beslutninger og lede mere effektivt.

Sundere arbejdskultur: Ved at være en rollemodel for sundhed og trivsel, kan du inspirere dine medarbejdere til også at tage vare på deres egen sundhed. Dette kan føre til en sundere arbejdskultur og øget trivsel blandt dine medarbejdere.

Sundhed og trivsel er et fælles ansvar
Sundhed og trivsel er et fælles ansvar


I tailor a price for you that matches your specific needs.

A 3-month program could look like this:

  • 1 initial coaching session (90 minutes)

  • Creation of a health analysis (body composition, diet and lifestyle assessment) and a personalized action plan (delivered as a PDF via email)

  • 5 follow-up sessions, in-person or online (30 minutes each)

  • Final follow-up session, including a new health analysis (60-90 minutes)

Price: 5,950 DKK (excl. VAT)

Contact me, and I will call you back when you have time

Sundhedsrådgiver Maria Ladegaard-Pedersen
Sundhedsrådgiver Maria Ladegaard-Pedersen