Welcome to SundConsult

Your Trusted Health Advisor and Coach for Individuals, Leaders, and Organisations

Healthy Employees in Balance Reflect on the Bottom Line

Do you also find it challenging to promote health and well-being in the workplace?

I can support your company's health and well-being initiatives. With a range of expertise and strategic advice, I can help address the key factors behind absenteeism and make a measurable impact in your organisation.

Health Check

Conduct health checks with skilled professionals to ensure your employees receive the best guidance

Forkølet kvinde
Forkølet kvinde

Train your company's own health ambasadors. A long-term investment in employee well-being.

Reduce absenteeism by preventing seasonal illnesses. It’s about much more than just sanitiser.

Prevention of Seasonal Illnesses

Sundhedsrådgiver Maria Ladegaard-Pedersen
Sundhedsrådgiver Maria Ladegaard-Pedersen

With a partnership agreement, you ensure that your employees have easy access to support and guidance.

Health Coaching for Leaders

With better health, more energy, and focus, you not only become a greater asset but also a better role model.

Sharpened focus and actionable solutions. Stress prevention through insight and practical tools.

Health Promotion in the Workplace

A well-planned health promotion initiative helps create the best conditions for employee health, well-being, and performance.

My Mission

To assist leaders and organisations in creating a healthier work environment, where both leaders and employees have the best conditions to perform and thrive.

This not only benefits the company by reducing absenteeism and improving productivity, but also makes it easier to retain and recruit new employees.

I offer a wide range of concrete activities to support this mission, including:

  • Health Coaching for Leaders

  • Health Checks

  • Workshops on Stress Prevention and upon request

  • Stress and Lifestyle Consultations

  • Health Events

  • Morning Exercise

  • Lectures

  • Tailored Initiatives

Sundhedsrådgiver foredrag
Sundhedsrådgiver foredrag

Health advising focused on initiatives that reduce absenteeism and increase productivity.

Partnership Agreement

With a fixed partnership agreement, you are guaranteed an "in-house" health advisor, providing your employees with a familiar face for health checks, stress, and lifestyle counselling.

Imagine your employees having access to preventive measures, not just treatment after the damage has already been done.

Contact me for a no-obligation conversation about the possibilities.

Arbejdsglæde og trivsel hænger sammen med fysisk sundhed
Arbejdsglæde og trivsel hænger sammen med fysisk sundhed

What’s the Strategy?

While we can organise small events that briefly focus on general health, nutrition, or movement during work hours, the best return on investment comes from a more comprehensive strategy and approach that aligns with your company's goals and objectives.

I can facilitate the process.

Contact me for a no-obligation coffee meeting.

Træning på jobbet
Træning på jobbet